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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Welcome to Handcrawler! on: December 10, 2008, 04:36:27 PM
howdy -

I haven't been playing too much but when I do I still use your genius idea web site  Smiley  but I take it not many others are?  the scanned hand count hasn't changed from ~38k for a while (just curious).

anyway, thanks for keeping the site up
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Welcome to Handcrawler! on: May 09, 2008, 07:04:25 AM
Thanks - the "blinds" was a great add!
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Welcome to Handcrawler! on: May 04, 2008, 07:01:19 PM
Just a thought, but is it possible to have something like "late position" and "early position" or
"in position" and "oop" or something in addition to a defined seat?  I realize you're probably using the info in the hh post to make a match but I ask because often IMO it isn't important what my seat is but whether or not I have position on the other(s).  Obv I could pick "button" just to be sure but then I'm guessing all the matches where villain is utg and hero is hj (for example) aren't going to show up.
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Welcome to Handcrawler! on: May 04, 2008, 06:46:59 PM
I was wondering, would it be possible to search the "LHE->NL" forum on 2p2?  The results could probably be lumped in under the "NL 6m micro" dropdown so I don't think it would need a separate category.  A number of limit players like me are adding NL so it's mostly all micro hands, pretty much all 6m and there's a lot of good/detailed advice in the posts from regular SSNL posters.  It's under "Limit Texas HE" on the 2p2 sidebar.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Welcome to Handcrawler! on: May 04, 2008, 06:31:05 PM

I just had to say one more time what a phenomenal idea this is!  I can already see I'll probably use it as much as pt's replayer.

lots of luck with the site.
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Welcome to Handcrawler! on: May 04, 2008, 01:10:37 PM
great, great idea!  2p2 search is ok I guess but anything that means I never again have to ask why it's so stupid is nirvana Smiley

would it be possible for the "any stakes" box to be a preference or something so that we don't have to pick it every time?  I'm only going to be searching one group of hands so that's never going to change for me (or maybe just make it so that whatever you chose last is there the next time?).

I also notice that when I search something all the "any" dropdowns and check boxes go blank (so I can't see what conditions I initially searched for or make a tweak and re-search) - think those could be persistent somehow or maybe add a "clear all" or something?
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